As families prepare for the first day of school, here are some frequently asked questions about transportation, childcare, and address changes.
How does a family request daycare transportation?
Families can request childcare transportation through our website using this form: Request transportation to and from a childcare site
How long does it take to process a daycare transportation request?
It takes 2-3 days to process the request through our Enrollment Center. The transportation team needs 3-5 days to add students to bus routes.
Who is responsible for changing a daycare address?
The parent/guardian needs to notify the Enrollment Center. The enrollment team processes these requests in 2-3 days.
How does a family remove a daycare address?
By completing a childcare transportation request form. Enrollment staff process these requests within 2-3 days.
Who can the family contact by email if they have questions about daycare transportation?
Families can email
How do families change their address?
Families can complete an Address Change Form.
How long does it take for an address to be changed?
Enrollment staff needs 2-3 days to process these requests. Transportation requires 3-5 days to add a student to a bus route.
When will transportation information be sent to families?
Families received a postcard in the mail the week of August 14th. Anyone enrolled on or after Aug. 14 will not receive a postcard; they will receive an email after the school year starts.
How do families change a bus stop?
Families can complete the bus stop change request form found on the transportation page. Transportation needs 5-7 days to process this request.
How can families contact transportation with questions?
Families can send an email to
Can open enrolled families request a bus stop?
Families can fill out a form requesting a bus stop. A decision will be made based on space available on the bus, and whether there is an active stop within the school attendance boundary. Transportation will not begin processing these requests until Oct. 15. Transportation will need 2 weeks to process each request.
Students who live in specific North Minneapolis zip codes automatically receive busing.
Can families receive transportation if they are not attending their home school?
Not at this time.
Does the district provide childcare transportation for families that are open enrolled?
Only if the daycare is within the school boundaries that the student is attending.
Who can I reach out to if I did not receive a transportation postcard in the mail?
Please call our transportation department at 763-504-8105, call the school, or check the Parent Portal.
How can I check my busing information after the postcards are sent out?
Families can view transportation information by logging into their Parent Portal at
Where do I sign in to the Parent Portal?
Parents can access their Parent Portal at: If families have trouble signing in or forget their username or password, please email