Student Handbook
A Guide to Student Support and Behavior
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Section 1: Creating and maintaining a positive shool climate
- Letter to our community
- Purpose of this guide
- What is "school climate"?
- How we create a positive school climate
- Land Acknowledgement
Letter to our community
Dear Robbinsdale Area Schools students, families and staff,
At Robbinsdale Area Schools (Rdale), our goal is to create a safe and supportive learning environment that allows each student to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Each year, the School Board of Robbinsdale Area Schools adopts guidelines for teaching and implementing expected behaviors.
For us to deliver the best possible education to our students, we all have responsibilities to understand and uphold. In Rdale we believe positive relationships are critical for achieving our desired outcomes. Whether you're a student, a family member, or a staff member, this guide delineates these responsibilities in detail. I urge you to devote your attention to it.
Our district places the highest possible priority on keeping students and staff members safe in our buildings. To do this, we count on everyone in our schools to do three important things:
- Be safe
- Be engaged
- Be responsible
We know there will be times when our students do not observe these core values. Staff members take various actions in these cases, depending on what has occurred.
Our goal is not to punish students but to teach them. Focusing on teaching replacement behaviors rather than punitive measures is more constructive but also aligns with fostering growth and development.
By emphasizing the preservation of integrity and relationships, we are creating an environment where students feel supported in their journey toward understanding. Our (Re)Discover Rdale Strategic Plan is committed to Student Engagement and Wellness, one of the plan’s four key themes.
Our approach is designed to promote empathy, understanding, and long-term positive change.
Dr. Teri Staloch, Superintendent
Purpose of this guide
This guide is for students, families and staff. The first four sections, written primarily for students and families, contain information about the approach we take to school climate in Robbinsdale Area Schools. Perhaps most important, the second section – Prevention and Support – details our resources for creating schools that strive to support every person: whoever they are, wherever they’re from.
The third section (Responses to Disciplinary Action) helps families understand the actions they can take if their student receives disciplinary action, and the fourth section details Expectations for Riding the Bus for students and their families.
While section five is primarily for the use of school administrators in determining steps to take to respond to infractions in discipline, this can also be a useful reference for families if their student receives discipline.
The final section includes a variety of resources you may want to reference throughout the year.
What is "school climate"?
When we talk about school climate, we mean a host of conditions that affect how both young people and adults feel in each school building. Are you welcomed and safe in the building? Do staff members know each student’s name? Do you see your culture or ethnicity reflected in school decor? Do you feel comfortable asking for help? Are you confident your student will be treated with fairness? Do students receive respectful lessons on social and emotional learning?
Just as school climate is made up of many factors, it takes many different kinds of resources to create a healthy school climate. These include guiding philosophies, staffing and programs that seek to create and maintain calm and peaceful environments in our schools.
For American Indian students and others, smudging is a practice that leads to a positive school climate in culturally affirming spaces including school buildings. SF 2998, introduced to the Minnesota legislature in March 2024, states, “An American Indian student may carry a medicine pouch containing loose tobacco intended as observance of traditional spiritual or cultural practices.” More pertinent to Rdale, see also Board Policy 419, Item IV.
Undergirding everything we do in our schools is the Multi-Tiered System of Supports, which we detail below.
Rdale prohibits harassment, violence, discrimination and bullying in all forms, including on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex/gender (including harassment based on gender identity and expression), marital status, disability, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, age, family care leave status or veteran status.
How we create a positive school climate
Everyone has responsibilities in a safe and respectful school, beginning with the adults: all staff who work in the building, and the extended family members who prepare and support students to attend it. Students, too, bear their share of responsibility: they need to come to school, listen, treat adults and each other with kindness, and do their best to learn.
All members of the school community also have rights. The table below lists some of the rights and responsibilities Rdale sets out for students, their parents or guardians, and our staff.
Students | Parents/Guardians | Robbinsdale Area Schools Staff |
Believe that you have the capacity to be your best self and achieve your hopes and dreams. | Believe your student has the capacity to be their best self and achieve their hopes and dreams. | Believe students are capable of being their best selves and achieving their hopes and dreams, and that staff have the capacity to support students. |
Build and maintain positive relationships with all staff and other students. | Build and maintain a positive relationship with staff at the school. | Build and maintain positive relationships with all students and their families. |
Respect yourself, the learning environment, other students, their parents/guardians, families and all staff. | Respect and support the learning environment and emphasize the importance of being prepared for school. | Develop a learning community and a respectful environment that supports social-emotional and academic success. |
Ask for and accept help when you need assistance. | Ask for help when you need assistance. Advocate for your child through regular communication with school staff. | Regularly communicate with students and families. Support them when they ask for assistance. |
Go to school every day on time, ready to learn and give your best effort. | Make sure your student arrives at school every day on time and prepared to learn. | Create a welcoming environment. Have high expectations for all students. |
Learn and follow school expectations and procedures. | Learn, and speak with your student about the expectations and procedures at their school. | Teach, model and reinforce school expectations and procedures. Follow the school-wide discipline plan. |
Use technology and equipment in a responsible way. | Review the technology agreement with your student. | Tailor instruction for student voice and choice within a technology-rich learning environment. |
Personalize your learning by bringing your creativity to your assignments. | Encourage your student's passion to learn and grow around their own goals for college, articulated skilled trades and career. | Provide personalized, engaging and academically appropriate instruction, including culturally-responsive teaching which represents and invites students’ identities. |
Conduct yourself in a manner to ensure your safety and the safety of others. | Contact your student's school if you observe or are aware of potentially unsafe activities or conditions. | Create and monitor safe conditions in the school environment. |
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge Robbinsdale Area Schools is located on the homelands of the Dakota and Ojibwe people. We recognize the painful history of genocide and forced assimilation of the Indigenous inhabitants of this land. We honor and respect the many Indigenous peoples who live on and hold sacred these lands, and we stand with members of these Nations to fight injustice in all of its forms. We uphold the preservation of Dakota and Ojibwe languages, land based education, and tribal sovereignty.
Section 2: Prevention and Support
Rdale supports students in many ways, including staffing and programs designed to make our schools calm, safe environments for learning. These are efforts to prevent difficulties before they arise.
Even so, our best efforts at prevention aren’t enough. Sometimes students and families need extra support, whether for basic needs or in response to specific issues that take place at school. Rdale uses many supportive strategies and programs to assist students and families.
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports
- Early identification and screening
- Say Something Anonymous Reporting System and Gaggle
- Risk Assessment
- Threat Assessment
- Cell phone use in our schools
Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a way of thinking about what students need – academically, socially, and through every other aspect of school. It’s important to this guide because MTSS is the foundation for how we think about everything that happens in our classrooms.
In MTSS, we talk about “tiers.” Tier 1 is the core of our program: what every student experiences and can expect in every school, academically and personally. If a student requires more help to learn or behave – or if they need more academic challenge than the Tier 1 curriculum provides – they might receive Tier 2 interventions targeted to their specific needs. Tier 3 works the same way.
Most students succeed within Tier 1. The principles of MTSS help us provide additional support to those who need it. MTSS reflects our approach to support, behavior and discipline.
Early identification and screening
Early Childhood Screening is a way to check in on your child's development to help identify specific needs that may affect learning, growth, and development. The screening is conducted by trained staff and covers the following areas:
- Fine and gross motor skills
- Speech and language development
- Cognitive and social development
- Vision and hearing
- Height and weight
- Immunizations
Offered free by Rdale’s Early Learning division, screening is an easy way to make sure your student is ready for school. Screening is preferred at age 3-1/2, but can be done anytime between 3 and 5 years old. Make an appointment online at , or call 763-504-4180.
Say Something Anonymous Reporting System and Gaggle
The safety and well-being of our students and staff is our top priority – and requires a proactive approach to violence prevention. That is why Rdale now partners with Sandy Hook Promise and its Say Something Anonymous Reporting System to Rdale.
The Say Something Anonymous Reporting System is designed specifically for use by students and staff in grades 6-12 – the grades more likely to observe concerning behavior. Students in earlier grades, as well as staff, family or community members, can contact their school principal or another trusted adult if they wish to report concerns.
The Say Something Anonymous Reporting System is a research-based violence prevention program offered by Sandy Hook Promise, a national nonprofit organization. It teaches the warning signs of potential violence or self-harm and provides students and staff with secure ways to share safety concerns through a mobile app, website, or phone call.
Rdale also uses Gaggle, software that stops tragedies with real-time content analysis of student activity on school-provided devices and around-the-clock alerts.
Risk Assessment
Risk assessment is a process of estimating the likelihood for a person to attempt or die by suicide. If a tip comes into the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, or if school staff hear or see something that suggests potential acts of self harm, they should quickly inform mental health staff to conduct a risk assessment. Threats can include: ideation (“I just want to die”); direct threats (“I’m going to kill myself”); concerns contained in student work (journaling about suicide or death in a way that is concerning); or behavior.
Mental health staff in our district, professionals such as social workers, school psychologists, and counselors – are trained to conduct such assessments, and then to take appropriate action.
Threat Assessment
In recent years and particularly since the pandemic, Rdale and other public school districts have experienced an increase in threats, especially via social media. Most of these threats are not credible, but we investigate all of them. Typically, building administrators conduct threat assessments. Depending on the nature of the threat, they may seek assistance from district-level support staff.
Threat assessment techniques and principles help our staff members determine how viable a threat is and decide how to respond. Violence prevention is always the first goal of threat assessment. If a student is found to have made a threat, it is important to determine why they did so, and to address whatever conflict or problem led to the threat.
Cell phone use in our schools
To promote the most positive and productive learning environment for our students and staff – and to align with the themes and objectives of the (Re)Discover Rdale Strategic Plan – Rdale has updated policies and procedures regarding the use of devices in classrooms.In broad terms, the new rules regarding cell phone use are as follows:
- In grades K-8, we expect cell phones to be put “away for the day.” This includes all electronic communication devices such as smart watches, pens, glasses, earbuds, etc. If brought to school, these devices must be stored in a backpack or locker and remain out of sight and not in use during the school day.
- In grades 9-12, phones must be put away during instructional time. They can be used during passing periods and lunch.
Contacting students during the school day
We understand there will be times when a parent/guardian needs to contact their student during the school day. When this is the case, please email your student’s teacher or call the main office of your student’s building.
Students who need to contact a parent/guardian should discuss this with their teacher. Should a student become ill, the health office staff will contact the parent/guardian.
Medical exemption
Please note that students who require devices for medical reasons (diabetes, epilepsy, hearing impairment) may be eligible for an exemption with a letter from a medical provider. Please contact your school’s licensed school nurse to discuss eligibility.
- Mental health supports in schools
- Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Team
- Climate and culture specialists
- Full Service Community Schools
- Restorative practices
- Non-Exclusionary Discipline
- Help for bullying
- Help for those experiencing homelessness
- Title IX
- External support resources
Mental health supports in schools
Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Team
The district-wide FACE team works to assist students and families in navigating and feeling more comfortable within their schools. For the district, they organize family engagement events and provide support for enrollment, transportation, technology, and more. FACE team members also help support parents, provide interpretation, and connect families with community resources.
Climate and culture specialists
Climate and culture specialists collaborate with school staff and the administrative team to create a positive school environment that supports academic success and a sense of belonging. They help to build and sustain strong relationships between school staff and families by encouraging communication between teachers and parents/guardians and providing necessary resources. Additionally, school climate and culture specialists are involved in the school's leadership groups.
Full Service Community Schools
Research and experience tell us that young people need a wide range of opportunities and support to be successful. All children, regardless of their economic, racial, or family circumstances, deserve access to an array of opportunities. Full service community schools support all aspects of students' lives to help them succeed academically.
Rdale has three full service community schools:
- Cooper High School, 8230 47th Ave. N, New Hope, MN 55428
- Robbinsdale Middle School, 3730 Toledo Ave. N, Robbinsdale, MN 55422
- Sandburg Learning Center (Sandburg Middle School and Robbinsdale Academy), 2400 Sandburg Lane, Golden Valley, MN 55427
Full service community schools promote academic excellence by offering an array of health and social services to students, families and community. Schools become community hubs that help meet the diverse needs of students, their families and the neighborhood.
Full service community schools may not be able to serve all students at all schools. Please check with your school social worker or school nurse for referrals to assistance with food, clothing, housing, etc.
Restorative practices
Restorative practice is a way of working with conflict that puts the focus on repairing the harm that has been done. It is an approach to conflict resolution that includes all of the parties involved. – Anti-Bullying Alliance
Restorative practices strengthen school climate by developing a restorative mindset in the adults, building community, and responding to harm. Rdale uses restorative practices to increase student engagement and build academic and social achievement. Restorative practices allow a school community to build relationships, problem solve, repair harm, and learn. Practices include collaborative negotiation, circle process, peer mediation, conflict resolution, and formal restorative conferencing. In this approach, relationships are the most important way we learn about the world and ourselves.
A restorative practice school and community believes:
- Everyone in the school community is good, wise and powerful
- We are all connected to one another
- All of us want to be in good, healthy relationships with others
- We all have talents and gifts we bring to school
- It takes time, habits, and support to build and maintain positive relationships
In our schools, we may use restorative practices to address conflicts between students, between students and staff, and between family members and staff.
Non-Exclusionary Discipline
Sending our students away from school is often the opposite of what they need. With a focus on non-exclusionary discipline, we try everything we can to keep students in school, even when they break the rules. This means that expulsion is a last resort.
The State of Minnesota defines non-exclusionary discipline as “policies and practices that are alternatives to dismissing a pupil from school, including but not limited to evidence-based positive behavior interventions and supports, social and emotional services, school-linked mental health services, counseling services, social work services, academic screening for Title 1 services or reading interventions, and alternative education services.”
Help for bullying
Rdale is committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming climate in all of its schools, where every student feels comfortable, safe and ready to learn.
If you or someone you know has experienced harassment, violence, discrimination or bullying at school or at any school-related event for any reason, you may request to have the incident(s) investigated by the District.
To report an incident or pattern of bullying, use this form.
Help for those experiencing homelessness
Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities. Schools receiving any Federal funds must comply with Title IX. See Board Policy No. 522 - Student Gender or Sexual Orientation Nondiscrimination.
If you have a concern that might be addressed by Title IX, contact your school’s administrators.
FERPA stands for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). This is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.
FERPA affords parents the right to have access to their children’s education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.
External support resources
Families in need of immediate support outside of school hours can refer to our Tools for Families on the district website. Scroll down to Social-Emotional/Mental Health Resources for contact information for community crisis services and more.
Section 3: Responses to disciplinary action
Family members may sometimes disagree with disciplinary action taken by school or district staff. If this happens, options are available.
Complaints about discipline
State law now allows students, parents/guardians, or staff to file a formal complaint if they think school discipline has been implemented inappropriately or discriminately.
Specifically, the Robbinsdale Area Schools discipline complaint procedure form allows students, parents/guardians, or staff to seek corrective action if they believe a student’s discipline falls outside of the district’s 506 Policy: Student Discipline, the Minnesota Pupil Fair Dismissal Act, or if they believe it was based on discrimination. The complaint procedure cannot be used as an appeal to a suspension.
Complaint forms must be completed within three days of the alleged disciplinary action and no more than 10 school days following an expulsion/exclusion decision. From there, the next steps include:
A school or district investigation will occur within three school days of receiving the complaint.
A district representative will reach out to the person making the complaint.
Issuance of findings and conclusions will be shared.
A corrective action plan will be created and applied if the discipline policy has not been implemented appropriately or is being discriminately applied.
The discipline complaint procedure form (also in Spanish and Somali) can be found on the district’s website under School Board Policies, and the link for 506 Policy: Student Discipline.
Collaborative conversations
When a student who chronically violates school rules disrupts the learning of students (with substantial disruptions, harmful physical contact, fights, and/or repeated behaviors that persist despite MTSS interventions), that student may be referred for a Collaborative Conversation. These involve the Executive Director of Student Services, Assistant Superintendent, school principal or assistant principal, parent(s), and student.
Section 4: Expectations for riding the bus
Riding the school bus is a privilege, not a right. For students who are eligible to ride the bus, our goal is to transport you to and from school as safely as possible. While students are riding a school bus, Rdale expects the same behavior as when students are on any other on school property or at school activities, functions or events.
Transportation expectations and consequences are based on the Board Policy 709: Student Transportation and are mandated by state statute. Safety rules are posted on every bus. All school rules are in effect while a student is riding the bus or at the bus stop. Students who do not follow the rules will receive consequences and may lose their bus privileges as a result of progressive discipline.
School bus drivers report school bus/bus stop misconduct to the district’s transportation personnel. Serious misconduct is reported to the Department of Public Safety and may be reported to local law enforcement.
Rules at the bus stop
Get to your bus stop five minutes before your scheduled pick up time. The school bus driver will not wait for late students.
Respect the property of others while waiting at your bus stop.
Keep your arms, legs and belongings to yourself.
Use appropriate language.
Stay away from the street, road or highway when waiting for the bus.
Wait until the bus stops before approaching the bus.
After getting off the bus, move away from the bus.
If you must cross the street, always cross in front of the bus where the driver can see you. Wait for the driver to signal to you before crossing the street.
No fighting, harassment, intimidation or horseplay.
No use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
Rules on the bus
Immediately follow the directions of the driver.
Sit in your seat facing forward.
Talk quietly and use appropriate language.
Keep all parts of your body inside the bus.
Keep your arms, legs and belongings to yourself.
No fighting, harassment, intimidation or horseplay.
Do not throw any object.
No eating, drinking, or use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
Do not bring any weapons or dangerous objects on the school bus.
Do not damage the school bus.
Section 5: Levels of misbehavior and response
- Glossary of terms related to school discipline
- A progressive approach to correcting behavior
- Determining the disciplinary response
- Discipline guidance for Early Learning
- Discipline for students in kindergarten through third grade
- Levels of corrective strategies for all grades
- Behavior violations and response levels
Glossary of terms related to school discipline
Dismissal: When students lose access to the current educational program through suspension, expulsion, or exclusion for less than one day. Does not include removal from class.
Exclusion: An action taken by the school board to prevent enrollment or re-enrollment of a student for a period that shall not extend beyond the school year.
Expulsion: A school board action to prohibit an enrolled student from further attendance for up to 12 months from the date the student is expelled.
Investigation: Investigations are conducted by building administration prior to consequences. Students may be suspended while an investigation is occurring. The district issues a Tennessen Warning Notice when an investigation takes place.
Readmission plan: A readmission plan is required for students suspended from school. This is a critical step in helping students connect back to the school community.
Removal from class: Any actions taken by a teacher, principal, or other school district employee to prohibit a student from attending a class or activity period for a period of time not to exceed five (5) days. Students on an IEP can not be removed from class.
Suspension: Removal of a student from school for one day or more. Does not apply to dismissal for less than one school day, except as provided under federal law for a student with a disability. See the Pupil Fair Dismissal Act for more information.
A progressive approach to correcting behavior
Understanding discipline as a “teachable moment” is fundamental to a positive approach. The goal of progressive discipline is to prevent recurrence of negative behavior by helping students learn from their mistakes. Essential to the implementation of progressive discipline is assisting students who have engaged in unacceptable behavior to:
- Understand why the behavior is unacceptable and the harm it has caused
- Understand what they could have done differently in the same situation
- Take responsibility for their actions
- Learn strategies and skills to use in the future
- Model and practice replacement strategies
- Understand the progression of consequences with recurring behavior.
Appropriate disciplinary responses:
emphasize prevention and effective intervention and resiliency
prevent disruption to students’ education
promote a positive school climate.
Rdale staff make every reasonable effort to address student behavior through school-based, non-exclusionary interventions such as restorative practices.
Sometimes inappropriate behavior or rule violations reflect more serious problems that students are experiencing. It is important for school personnel to be sensitive to issues that may influence the behavior of students and respond in a manner that is most supportive of their needs.
Determining the disciplinary response
School officials must consult this document when determining disciplinary measures. In determining how best to address inappropriate behavior, it is necessary to evaluate the totality of the circumstances surrounding the behavior. The following must be considered prior to determining the appropriate disciplinary measures:
The student’s age, maturity, culture, and developmental level
The student’s disciplinary record including the nature of any prior misbehavior, the number of prior instances of misbehavior, and the disciplinary and guidance intervention measures applied for each
The nature, severity and scope of the behavior
The circumstances/context in which the conduct occurred
The frequency and duration of the behavior
The number of persons involved in the behavior
The social-emotional status/needs of all persons involved in the behavior
The student’s Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), if applicable
The student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP), BIP and/or 504 Accommodation Plan, if applicable
Discipline guidance for Early Learning
Rdale recognizes that students enter early learning programs with varying school experiences and from a variety of backgrounds.
Early Learning students demonstrate a wide range of developmentally appropriate behaviors and skills. Early Learning staff use relationships, supportive environments, proactive measures, positive reinforcement, and responsive strategies to guide and teach expected student behavior. Children in Early Learning programs may not be suspended or expelled without approval by the Assistant Superintendent.
Discipline for students in kindergarten through third grade
Minnesota law (policy 506) prohibits disciplinary removals for students enrolled in kindergarten through grade 3. Exceptions to this are:
Schools have exhausted all non-exclusionary resources and there continues to be an "ongoing serious safety threat to the child or others"
Does not apply to dismissal of less than one day
Minnesota law (Board Policy No. 506 AP: Student Discipline) prohibits disciplinary removals for students from recess. Exceptions to this are:
a student causes or is likely to cause serious physical harm to other students or staff
the student's parent or guardian specifically consents to the use of recess detention
for students receiving special education services, the student's individualized education program team has determined that withholding recess is appropriate based on the individualized needs of the student
Levels of corrective strategies for all grades
School and district staff in Rdale hold students accountable for their behavior. Behavior violations are grouped into five levels based on the severity of the infraction.
The table in the "Behavior violations and response levels" section below lists potential violations in alphabetic order, along with the level of the violation.
Whenever possible and appropriate, the response to misconduct begins with the lowest level of disciplinary response and includes appropriate support and interventions.
Below we describe potential supports and interventions at each level.
Level 1 interventions are generally addressed by school staff members when a student has minimal or no prior infractions. The staff response is to teach and practice the expected behavior so students learn and demonstrate safe and respectful behaviors. Staff members are expected to use a variety of teaching and management strategies.
Choices to address student infractions:
Restorative practices
Making amends to those harmed or offended
Verbal correction
Providing a reflective activity
Re-teaching behavioral expectations
Creating a behavior contract that includes expected student behaviors and consequences for infractions and/or incentives for demonstrating expected behavior
School community service
Loss of privileges
In-class time-out
Removal from class to another supervised classroom (less than one hour)
Detention, during which the student completes school work
Alternative in-school educational programming, during which school work is completed, for less than half a day
In-school suspension, during which school work is completed, for more than half a day
Appropriate staff interventions may involve the parent/guardian and other members of the school community. Interventions may include:
- Parent/guardian notification
- Parent/guardian/teacher conference
- Parent/guardian accompanying student to school or class
- Requiring students to remove, adjust, or cover up clothing that violates student dress requirements
- Conflict resolution
- Mentoring program participation
- Contract between teacher, student and parent/guardian
- Peer mediation
- Referral
Repeated instances of a Level 1 violation may be treated as a violation at a higher level only when appropriate interventions have been attempted over a reasonable amount of time and documented in the student's record.
Level 2 violations will generally result in interventions and/or disciplinary responses that involve the school administration. These actions aim to correct behavior by stressing the seriousness of the behavior while keeping the student in school.
Choices to address student infractions:
- Restorative practices
- Making amends to those harmed or offended
- Verbal correction
- Providing a reflective activity
- Re-teaching behavioral expectations
- Creating a behavior contract that includes expected student behaviors and consequences for infractions and/or incentives for demonstrating expected behavior
- Parent/guardian notification
- Parent/guardian conference
- Loss of privileges
- School community service
- Monetary restitution
- Consecutive day removal (up to five days) to another supervised classroom during a designated subject
- Mediation
- Detention, during which the student completes school work
- Alternative in-school educational programming, during which school work is completed, for less than half a day
- In-school suspension time, during which school work is completed, for more than half a day
- Referral to behavioral interventionist for tobacco/chemical infraction
- Potential police notification
Repeated instances of a level 2 violation may be treated as a violation at a higher level only when appropriate interventions have been attempted over a reasonable amount of time and documented in the student's record.
Level 3 violations will generally result in interventions and/or disciplinary responses that involve the school administration. These actions aim to correct behavior by stressing the seriousness of the behavior while providing access to educational programming.
Choices to address student infractions:
- Restorative practices
- Making amends to those harmed or offended
- Verbal correction
- Providing a reflective activity
- Re-teaching behavioral expectations
- Creating a behavior contract that includes expected student behaviors and consequences for infractions and/ or incentives for demonstrating expected behavior
- Parent/guardian notification
- Parent/guardian conference
- Alternative in-school educational programming, during which school work is completed, for less than half a day
- In-school suspension, during which school work is completed, for more than half a day
- Monetary restitution
- Out-of-school suspension (partial day and up to five days)
- Potential police notification
- Removal from classroom
- Referral to behavioral interventionist for tobacco/ chemical infraction
- Collaborative conversation meeting at District Office
- Administrative review
Repeated instances of a level 3 violation may be treated as a violation at a higher level only when appropriate interventions have been attempted over a reasonable amount of time and documented in the student's record.
Level 4 interventions may involve the removal of the student from the school environment because of the severity of the behavior. They may involve the placement of the student in a safe environment that provides additional structure to address behavior. These interventions focus on maintaining the safety of the school community and ending self-destructive and/or dangerous behavior. Due to the severity of the behavior, police notification has the potential to be used for all Level 4 infractions.
Choices to address student infractions:
- Restorative practices
- Out-of-school suspension (partial day and up to five days)
- Administrative transfer
- Monetary restitution
- Interim alternative educational placement
- Referral to behavioral interventionist for tobacco/ chemical infraction
- Potential police notification
- Administrative hearing in lieu of expulsion
Level 5 violations require the principal to notify the Assistant Superintendent and Executive Director of Student Services. Due to the severity of the behavior, police notification has the potential to be used for all Level 5 infractions.
Examples of Disciplinary Responses
These responses involve the removal of the student from the school environment because of the severity of the behavior. They may involve the placement of the student in a safe environment that provides additional structure to address behavior. These interventions focus on maintaining the safety of the school community and ending self-destructive and/or dangerous behavior:
- Restorative practices
- Out-of-school suspension (partial day and up to five days)
- Administrative transfer
- Monetary restitution
- Interim alternative educational placement
- Referral to behavioral interventionist for tobacco/ chemical infraction
- Potential police notification
- Administrative hearing in lieu of expulsion
Behavior violations and response levels
Behavior violations and response levels |
Levels |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Arson: Students must obey fire safety laws and keep school property safe. Students must not plan and/or participate in malicious burning of property. The use of a combustible or flammable liquid is prohibited. Minn. Stat § 609.561 - 609.5632 (arson in 1st through 5th degrees) | 4 | |||||
Assault: Students must get help when needed to solve problems nonviolently. Students must not commit an act with intent to cause fear in another of immediate bodily harm or death, or intentionally inflict or attempt to inflict bodily harm upon another. Minn. Stat § 609.224 |
4 | |||||
Bullying: Communication should be conducted with kindness. Bullying is intimidating, threatening, abusive or harming conduct that is objectively offensive and:
3 | |||||
Cheating: Students are expected to do their own work. Students must not use, submit or attempt to obtain data or answers dishonestly, or by deceit, collusion, or means other than those authorized by the teacher. Examples of acts of cheating/ plagiarism include any appropriation, literary theft, falsification, counterfeiting, piracy, fraud, or unsupervised possession of any federal-, state- or district-mandated tests. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, copying word for word from references such as books, magazines, research materials or the internet. |
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Chronic Tardiness (Grades 6-12): Students are expected to follow school-wide schedule expectations and arrive on time to class. Students must not habitually arrive at class after the bell or signal that class has started. | 1 | |||||
Cyber Bullying: Cyberbullying is bullying – unwanted, repeated, aggressive, negative behavior – that takes place using digital devices like cell phones, tablets, and computers. Cyberbullying can happen over email, through texting, on social media, while gaming, on instant messaging, and through photo sharing. Students are not to send, post or share negative, harmful, false, or mean content about anyone else. They may not post personal information, pictures, or videos designed to hurt or embarrass another person. |
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Disruptive Behavior: Students are expected to follow school wide behavioral expectations and abide by classroom rules, routines and procedures. Students must not interrupt the learning of others or behave in a manner that causes disruption to the school environment. If a teacher or other school adult is prevented from starting an activity or lesson, or has to stop what they are doing to try to stop the student’s behavior, the behavior is considered disruptive. For example, if a student causes a disruption in the classroom by talking, making noises, throwing objects, play-fighting, or otherwise distracting one or more classmates, the student is engaging in disruptive behavior. | 1 | |||||
Electronic Communication Devices: Electronic devices may be brought to school only in accordance with school policy. Students must use communication devices according to their school’s policy (a school may choose to develop a specific plan related to the authorized use of electronic devices). Electronic communication devices must be turned off during school hours unless allowed by school policy. | 1 | |||||
Extortion/Robbery: Students are expected to respect other people and their decisions. Students must accept “no” for an answer when making a request of another person. Extortion means getting money or a promise by using threat or force. Students must not make a person do anything he or she does not want to do by using threat or force. Students must not take another person’s property. Students must not take or attempt to take from another person any property by force or threat of force. |
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Failure to Follow Directions: Students are expected to follow the instructions of school staff. School staff include administrators, teachers, educational assistants (EAs), secretaries, security personnel, custodians, bus drivers, lunchroom workers, school volunteers, etc. If students do not obey the instructions and/or directions given by school staff, the behavior may be considered disobedient. | 1 | |||||
False Fire Alarms or Bomb Reports/Tampering with Fire Alarm System: Students must obey laws regarding fire safety. Students must not set off a fire alarm at any time unless there is an emergency. Destroying or damaging a fire alarm is prohibited. Students must not falsely call or make a report to 911 or other emergency personnel. |
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Fighting: Conflicts must be resolved peacefully. Students must not physically fight with another person. Fighting involves the exchange of mutual physical contact, e.g., shoving, kicking, hair pulling, biting and hitting, with or without injury (i.e., mutual combat). | 3 | |||||
Fraud/False Identification: Students are expected to be honest. Students must not sign or give a name other than their own. | 1 | |||||
Gambling: Students should choose games which align with the expected behaviors in the Guide to Student Support and Behavior. Students must not play games of cards, chance or dice for money or other items, except if such games are played at a school-sponsored activity for educational purposes. |
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Group Violence: Students should interact in a positive manner with their peers. Students must not plan, instigate or participate with another or others, in an incident of group violence. |
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Harassment: All communication in the school is to be conducted with kindness. Students must not use words (written, verbal, electronic), gestures, photographic images, drawings, or any form of communication to harass another person. This includes harassment based on race, gender, religious beliefs, nationality, disability or sexual orientation. See Board Policy 413: Harassment and Violence for more detailed information. |
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Harmful Physical Contact: Students must seek help to solve problems nonviolently. Students must not engage in physically aggressive behavior that creates a substantial risk or results in injury. |
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Hazing: Students should interact safely with peers. Hazing is committing an act or coercing a student into committing an act that creates a substantial risk of harm in order for the student to be initiated into or affiliated with a school or school group. See Board Policy 526: Hazing Prohibition for a more detailed definition and information. |
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Inappropriate Communication: Students are expected to speak considerately to others. Examples of inappropriate communication include put-downs, swearing, threatening, making fun of, or negatively talking about a person or their family. | 1 | |||||
Inappropriate Use of Electronic Technology: Students are expected to use technology and other resources in a safe and responsible manner. Students must not make, produce or distribute videos, images, sound recording or other mediums that show behavior prohibited by the Guide to Student Support and Behavior on school property or at school events, including using school-owned or personal electronic devices (e.g., laptops, Chromebooks, iPads, tablets, e-readers, cell phones or video or still cameras). Depictions of such conduct on social networking sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, or any other similar websites are prohibited. Any representations of prohibited behavior must be immediately turned over to the principal or the principal’s designee. Reproduction and distribution of these items will result in disciplinary action. |
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Major Theft/Possession of Stolen Property (Over $500): Students must use only their own belongings unless explicit permission from the owner is given to borrow an item. Students must not take anything that does not belong to them. Students must not possess anything that they know, or have reason to know, has been stolen. Students must not use school-owned or personal equipment to conduct illegal activity. |
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Minor Theft/Possession of Stolen Property (Under $500): Students must use only their own belongings unless explicit permission from the owner is given to borrow an item. Students must not take anything that does not belong to them. Students must not have anything that they know, or have reason to know, has been stolen. Students must not use school-owned or personal equipment to conduct illegal activity. |
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Physical Contact (No bodily harm): Students must get help when needed to solve problems nonviolently. Students must not engage in non-serious but inappropriate physical contact, such as pushing, play fighting, and intimidation. |
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Physical Contact with Staff: Students must seek help to solve problems nonviolently. Students must not engage in physical contact toward staff. Students who engage in physical contact toward staff may have up to a five-day suspension pending a school investigation. Students may be recommended for an administrative review/hearing based on the outcome of the investigation. |
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Possession of Other Weapon or Object, not a firearm and not meeting Minnesota Statute dangerous weapon definition, with no intent: Students are expected to bring objects and materials to school that are required for learning and participating in activities. Students must keep dangerous weapons out of school. “Other weapon” includes any device or instrument – including any non-conventional weapon – which, in the manner it is used or intended to be used, is calculated or likely to produce bodily harm or substantial bodily harm, or fear of any degree of bodily harm. Other weapons include but are not limited to knives with blades, fake knives, look-alike weapons, clubs, metal knuckles, chains, poisons, arrows, bats, nunchucks, throwing stars, stun guns, mace and other propellants, and other objects that have been modified to serve as a weapon, etc. |
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Possession/Use of a Dangerous Weapon Other than a Firearm: Students are expected to bring objects and materials to school that are required for learning and participating in activities. Students may not bring dangerous weapons to school. A “dangerous weapon other than a firearm” is defined as:
Minn. Stat § 609.02, subd. (def. of dangerous weapon) Minn. Stat § 609.66, subd. 1d, 18 U.S.C. § 930(g)(2) (def. dangerous weapon) |
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Possession/Use of a Firearm: Students are expected to bring objects and materials to school that are required for learning and participating in activities. Students may not bring firearms to school. Firearms are banned from all property owned or controlled by Robbinsdale Area Schools. A firearm is defined in Minn. Stat. § 609.666, subd. 1(a) as a device designed to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled a projectile by the force of explosion or by the force of combustion. | 5 | |||||
Possession/Use of Other Weapon or Object, not a firearm and not meeting Minnesota Statute dangerous weapon definition, with use or intent to use: Students are expected to bring objects and materials to school that are required for learning and participating in activities. Students may not bring weapons to school. “Other weapon” includes any device or instrument – including any non-conventional weapon – which, in the manner it is used or intended to be used, is calculated or likely to produce bodily harm or substantial bodily harm or fear of any degree of bodily harm. Other weapons include but are not limited to knives with blades, fake knives, look-alike weapons, clubs, metal knuckles, chains, poisons, arrows, bats, nunchucks, throwing stars, stun guns, mace and other propellants, and other objects that have been modified to serve as a weapon, etc. Minn. Stat § 609.02, subd. 7 & 7a (def. great bodily harm, substantial bodily harm) |
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Property Damage/Vandalism (Under $500): Students must take care of school property. Students must not damage, break, destroy or misuse school property or anything that belongs to someone else. |
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Property Damage/Vandalism (Over $500): Students must take care of school property. Students must not damage, break, destroy or misuse school property. |
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Reckless Driving: Students must abide by speed limits and traffic signals. Students must not drive on school property in such a manner as to endanger persons or property. |
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Selling Drugs or Controlled Substances: Students are expected to bring objects and materials to school that are required for learning and participating in activities. Students may not sell or distribute legal or illegal drugs, synthetic drugs/imitations, alcohol, or other controlled substances. Students may be referred for a chemical use assessment. Minn. Stat § 152.01, subds. 1-22 (definition of controlled substances) |
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Sexually Inappropriate Behavior: Maintain appropriate boundaries with peers. Students must not engage in sexual behavior, including but not limited to, sexual intercourse, displaying or distributing sexually explicit materials, indecent exposure, and other sexual contact. |
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Sexual Assault: Students must protect the safety and rights of others. Students must not sexually attack nor sexually abuse another person. Students must not engage in non-consensual sexual intercourse, sexual contact, or indecent exposure with another person. | 4 | |||||
Substantial Disruption: Students are expected to help maintain a safe and productive learning environment. Students must not engage in or cause disruptive behavior that creates a substantial risk of (or results in) injury or that significantly disrupts learning (e.g., throwing chairs, causing the evacuation of classrooms, eloping to unsafe areas). |
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Threats: Students are expected to be kind to other people. Students may not make any oral, written or physical threat, sign, or act that conveys intent to cause harm or violence, even made in jest. |
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Threats of Violence: Students are expected to be kind to other people. Threatening directly or indirectly to commit any crime of violence with intent to terrorize another or to cause evacuation of a building, place of assembly or vehicle, or otherwise to cause serious public inconvenience or in reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience, is prohibited. Minn. Stat § 609.713 (def. of terrorist threats) |
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Tobacco/Smoking: Students are expected to protect their own health and safety and that of others. Students must not possess, smoke or use any kind of tobacco product or associated paraphernalia including e-cigarettes and vaping. American Indian students may possess tobacco which is used for traditional and ceremonial purposes. |
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Trespassing, Including During Periods of Dismissal or Suspension: Students must stay in designated areas of the school to which they have been assigned. Students must have permission from a building administrator, or be escorted by a parent/caregiver or emergency contact person, to enter a building other than their own. Students must not return to any school while assigned to the Alternative Education Services programs, or under expulsion or removal, except with permission from a building administrator and under escort by a parent/caregiver or emergency contact person. During Alternative Education Services placement, students may not go to any school, or school activity, other than the school to which they are assigned, except with specific permission and supervision as described in this paragraph. Minn. Stat § 609.605, subd. 4 |
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Truancy (Grades 6-12): Students are expected to be at school. Students may not receive an “unexcused absence” for a half day or more. |
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Use/Possession of Combustibles - Elementary: Students must obey the law regarding combustibles. Students must not use or be in possession of substances/objects capable of causing bodily harm and/or property damage (matches, lighters, firecrackers, gasoline, lighter fluid, etc.). |
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Use/Possession of Combustibles - Secondary: Students must obey the law regarding combustibles. Students must not use or be in possession of substances/objects capable of causing bodily harm and/or property damage (matches, lighters, firecrackers, gasoline, lighter fluid, etc.). |
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Use/Possession of Drugs, Alcohol or Other Controlled Substances: Students are expected to protect their own health and safety and that of others. Students must not bring alcohol or illegal drugs to school or school activities. Students must not use, be under the influence of, or buy or sell alcohol or illegal drugs. This section also applies to any substance made to look like, or represented to be, illegal drugs or alcohol and any related paraphernalia. Students are permitted to bring prescribed or over-the-counter medication to school only with permission from parents/guardians and with the authorization and supervision of their health care provider and school administrator or administrator’s designee. Prescribed or over-the-counter medication is for the student’s use only. A student must not sell or give prescribed or over-the-counter medication to anyone at school. |
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Section 6: Information and resources
- How to Reach Us
- Links to Additional Information
- State testing
- Student-Family Use Agreement: Digital Devices
- School Board Policies and Procedures
- Guide to Addressing Parent and Community Concerns
- Emergency Response Guide
How to Reach Us
Elementary Schools
Forest Elementary
6800 47th Avenue North, Crystal
Lakeview Elementary
4110 Lake Drive, Robbinsdale
Meadow Lake Elementary
8525 62nd Avenue North, Brooklyn Park
Neill Elementary
6600 Medicine Lake Road, Crystal
Noble Elementary
2601 Noble Avenue North, Golden Valley
Northport Elementary
5421 Brooklyn Boulevard, Brooklyn Center
Sonnesyn Elementary
3421 Boone Avenue North, New Hope
Zachary Lane Elementary
4350 Zachary Lane, Plymouth
Middle Schools
Plymouth Middle School
10011 36th Avenue North, Plymouth
Robbinsdale Middle School
3730 Toledo Avenue North, Robbinsdale
Sandburg Middle School
400 Sandburg Lane, Golden Valley
High Schools
Armstrong High School
10635 36th Avenue North, Plymouth
Cooper High School
8230 47th Avenue North, New Hope
Robbinsdale Academy-Highview
2400 Sandburg Lane, Golden Valley
Robbinsdale Virtual Academy
2400 Sandburg Lane, Golden Valley
Magnet Schools
FAIR School Crystal (grades 6-8)
3915 Adair Avenue North, Crystal
FAIR School Pilgrim Lane (grades K-5)
3725 Pilgrim Lane North, Plymouth
Robbinsdale Spanish Immersion School (RSIS) (grades K-5)
8808 Medicine Lake Road, New Hope
School of Engineering and Arts (SEA) (grades K-5)
1751 Kelly Drive, Golden Valley
Education Service Center
4148 Winnetka Avenue North, New Hope
Student Services
Early Childhood Family Education
Early Childhood Preschool
Food Services/Nutrition Services
Robbinsdale Virtual Academy
Links to Additional Information
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
The Multi-Tiered System of Supports is the district’s framework for helping all students succeed by matching instruction, interventions and assessment to the personalized needs of students.
Student Services
The Robbinsdale Area Schools Student Services website includes helpful information on activities and athletics, alternative programs, behavior resources, health resources, targeted services and Section 504 plans.
Pupil Fair Dismissal Act
The Pupil Fair Dismissal Act includes the policies, grounds and procedures for dismissing students from public schools in Minnesota (Minn. Stat. §§ 121A.40-121A.56).
Minnesota State High School League
Robbinsdale Area Schools participates in the Minnesota State High School League. The League exists to provide competitive, equitable and uniform opportunities for high school students to learn valuable lessons through participation in athletics and fine arts. Policies regarding eligibility, sportsmanship, chemical health and scholarship recognition are listed on the League’s website.
Minnesota Department of Education: Parental Rights
State laws governing parental rights related to topics in pre-K through grade 12 education.
Health Services
Rdale’s Health Services Department seeks to create and sustain a school environment that promotes and supports student health, well-being and academic achievement. Research shows healthy students are better learners.
The Transportation department is committed to providing a positive, safe experience for those who ride the district school buses. School bus schedule information is mailed to families in the Robbinsdale Area Schools district before the first day of school. Additional transportation information can be found on the department’s website.
Special Education
Rdale’s special education programs and services are designed to meet the needs of children and youth ages birth through 21 years with various disabilities. The Special Education Department has information and resources for families along with district practices.
State testing
Statewide tests, the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments MCAs) and Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS) help school districts measure student progress toward Minnesota’s reading, math, and science academic standards and meet the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
The ACCESS for ELLs and WIDA Alternate ACCESS are English language proficiency tests used to meet federal and state legislative requirements. These assessments are used to monitor English learners’ progress as they develop academic language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
PLEASE NOTE: Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment scores are used in determining course placement at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. A student’s MCA score could save families significant money by demonstrating that students do not need to take non-credit-bearing courses. For more information, please visit MDE’s website.
Cell Phones
Students may not use cell phones, wearable technology (e.g., smart watches, fitness trackers) or any other device (except the school-owned device being used for testing) during testing, including during breaks. Students cannot receive or view calls, texts, or alerts during test administration. Students may not wear or access wearable technology during testing if the device can electronically send or receive information. If one of these devices is worn during testing, the student’s test must be invalidated because the device is visible and accessible.
If a student has a cell phone or other electronic device in a testing room, the student must turn their cell phone (or other device) off, place it in an envelope (provided by the school) and store the envelope where it will be inaccessible during testing.
See for more information.
Test Security Concerns
If you have any concerns about suspected incidents of cheating or other improper or unethical behavior on statewide assessments, you can report that information to your school principal, the district’s Research, Evaluation and Assessment department ( or 763-504-8103), or by submitting the District Test Security Report.
Why Statewide Test Results Matter
Participating in statewide assessments helps families see a snapshot of their student’s learning so they can advocate for their success in school.
Assessments are a way to gather information used for making educational decisions. Teachers and school districts use a variety of assessment types to guide instruction and support students. Minnesota students take statewide assessments to provide school districts and the public with information about equitable opportunities for all students to engage with high quality content in school.
The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) uses MCAs to find out how well schools have aligned curriculum to and instructed students in the Minnesota Academic Standards in reading, mathematics, and science. Schools use the information to improve classroom teaching and learning. Teachers and principals look for areas where students do well so they can reinforce the ways they teach these skills. They also look for areas that need improvement so they can increase instructional time or modify their instruction. For more information about statewide testing, see MDE’s statewide testing website.
Minnesota Department of Education
Statewide Assessment: Parent/Guardian Decision Not to Participate
Student-Family Use Agreement: Digital Devices
The digital device provided to students is a Chromebook or an iPad. Internet access is needed for most student work to be saved and shared. If your student does not have internet access, please contact their school for information on low-cost internet options for your family. Various locations in the community also provide free wireless Internet, including public libraries. Media centers have a limited number of hotspots (mobile internet Wi-Fi devices).
Digital devices and accessories are the property of Robbinsdale Area Schools and must be returned to Robbinsdale Area Schools. Fees will be assessed for negligent damage or a lost device, charger, or case. Devices and accessories not returned on the date of student withdrawal from school will be reported as stolen to the local police department.
More information can be found in the Family and Student Technology Handbook.
School Board Policies and Procedures
Additional policies and procedures can be found in the School Board section of this website. Below is a list of relevant policies to the Student Academic and Behavior Handbook Rights and Responsibilities with a link to the policy.
- Board Policy No. 102 - Equal Educational Opportunity
- Board Policy No. 413 - Harassment and Violence
- Board Policy No. 502 - Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal Possessions, and Student’s Person
- Board Policy No. 503AP - Student Attendance
- Board Policy No. 504AP - Student Dress and Appearance
- Board Policy No. 505AP - Distribution of Nonschool-Sponsored Materials on School Premises by Students and Employees
- Board Policy No. 507AP- Corporal Punishment
- Board Policy No. 510AP - School Activities
- Board Policy No. 512AP - School Sponsored Student Publications and Activities
- Board Policy No. 514 - Bullying Prohibition Policy
- Board Policy No. 515 - Protection and Privacy of Student Records
- Board Policy No. 516 - Student Medication
- Board Policy No. 521 - Student Disability Nondiscrimination
- Board Policy No. 522 - Student Gender or Sexual Orientation Nondiscrimination
- Board Policy No. 524 - Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy
- Board Policy No. 525AP - Violence Prevention
- Board Policy No. 526 - Hazing Prohibition
- Board Policy No. 527AP - Student Use and Parking of Motor Vehicles: Patrols, Inspections, and Searches
- Board Policy No. 528AP - Student Parental, Family, and Marital Status Nondiscrimination
- Board Policy No. 529AP - Staff Notification of Violent Behavior by Students
- Board Policy No. 531 - The Pledge of Allegiance
- Board Policy No. 532 - Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Team to Remove Students with IEP’s from School Grounds
- Board Policy No. 580AP - Education of Homeless Students
- Board Policy No. 707AP - Transportation of Public School Students
- Board Policy No. 708AP - Transportation of Nonpublic School Students
- Board Policy No. 709 - Student Transportation Safety
- Board Policy No. 710AP - Extracurricular Transportation
- Board Policy No. 711AP - Video Recording on School Buses
- Board Policy No. 712AP - Video Surveillance Other Than On Buses
- Board Policy No. 801AP - Equal Access to School Facilities
- Board Policy No. 806 - Crisis Management
- Board Policy No. 807- Health and Safety
- Board Policy No. 899 - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Drones
- Robbinsdale Area Schools - Equity Policy